Dear Patient
Dr. Geert Vileyn , Dr. mrs Hannelore Yperman and Dr. Roel Vileyn are working in our clinic as GP's (general practicioners)
As you can see, our website has a new look.
The consultation hours were adjusted.
Consultations are done after appointment only.
Because we work more efficiently in our office than at home, we ask you only to request a home-visit if, for medical reasaons, you are unable to come to the clinic .
Through our new website you can book an appointment online (see "agenda" at the right side of the screen).
On this way you can see which hours are still available for any doctor . So you can avoid useless waiting-time.
You can also take a follow-up appointment during a consultation , or request an appointment by telephone (between 8.00 and 12.00)
As general practitioners it is a challenge for us not only to have attention for your illness. We also want to assist you in improving your general health , with all its physical, mental and social aspects.
Therefore it is important for us to communicate with you about illness and health, and to take important medical decisions as much as possible in deliberation with you.
Please explain us in the beginning of a consultation, what is your problem , and which are your concerns and expectations.
We hope that we may be at your service and warmly welcome you on our website and in our clinic.
Dr Geert Vileyn MD, Dr Roel Vileyn MD , and Dr mrs Hannelore Yperman MD